
Practice of Forgiveness

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Saved by Kathee Rose
on January 18, 2012 at 10:25:16 pm


We invite you to participate as a researcher for finding and adding resources on transformational change.   This is a dynamic tool for you to add information you find to your HS 301 individual group's wiki as you do research for class projects (click on the "Sidebar" located on the right in the "View" mode--select the appropriate Class Wiki).  We encourage you to share not only titles (for example, the citation of a journal article, a book, a blog, or title of a digital media stream), but also the places you found the resources and the search strategies you found useful, as we have in the links below. Students will post to the topic areas on the sidebar located on the right.


Required Assignment Materials:


Borysenko, J. (1993). Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson. New York: Warner Boks, 174-187.

Borysenko Forgiveness Process.pdf


Waltman, M.A., Russell, D.C., Coyle, C.T., Enright, R.D., Holter, A.C., & Swoboda, C.M. (2009). The Effects of a Forgiveness Intervention on Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Psychology and Health, 24(1), 11-27. 

forgiveness and CAD.pdf


Egan, L,A. & Todorov, N. (2009). Forgiveness as a Coping Strategy to Allow School Students to Deal With The Effects of Being Bullied: Theorietical and Empirical Discussion. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 198-222.

forgiveness and bullying.pdf


Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting go. (June 12, 2007) Watch this video at



Supplementary Resource Materials:


Book section:


Borysenko, J. & Borysenko, M (1994). The Power of the Mind to Heal.  Carson, California: Hay House.

The Power of the Mind to Heal.pdf




Wohl, M., DeShea, L., & Wahkinney, R. L. (2008). Looking Within: Measuring State Self-Forgiveness and Its Relationship to Psychological Well-Being, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 40 (1),1-10.

Abstract: Although considerable empirical attention has recently focused on forgiveness, less work has been done on examining self-forgiveness. A major stumbling block for self-forgiveness research has been the lack of a measure to assess self-forgiveness for specific transgressions. This article reports the development of the State Self-Forgiveness Scales and the test of a model of self-forgiveness' relation to psychological well-being in the context of the unwanted end of a romantic relationship. In Study 1, factor analysis revealed a 2-factor structure to the self-forgiveness data. Study 2 found that self-blame predicted depressive affect to the extent that participants forgave the self. The implications of state self-forgiveness for both basic research and therapy are discussed.

To read the Full Text, click on PDF Full Text on this page.


Cioni, P. F. (2007). Forgiveness, Cognitive Restructuring and Object Transformation. Journal of Religion & Health, 46 (3), 385-397.

Abstract: Forgiveness is described as a process that includes (1) re-constructing cognitions about the offender and self and (2) re-imaging the offender and re-experiencing self and violator. Object relations theory can help to show that the violated individual’s conflict is within as the person struggles inwardly with hostile images (object-representations) during the process of forgiveness. Cognitive structuring points to the crucial importance of choice to help initiate the forgiveness process. Within the context of forgiveness as a therapeutic process, cognitive restructuring and object transformation can promote the client’s psychological health and well-being. It is proposed that forgiveness is a spiritual as well as a psychological process, which includes grace-filled choices and behavior.

To read the Full Text, click on the PDF Full Text link on this page.


Rye, M.S & Pargament, K.I. (2002). Forgiveness and Romantic Relationships in College: Can It Heal the Wounded Heart? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(4), 419-441.

forgiveness and healing article.pdf 




Forgiveness Holistic Radio

Forgiveness Radio is a series of programs that looks at Forgiveness as the key to unlocking the doors in your life that keep you seperated from your good. The program covers every aspect of forgiveness from the standpoint of Your being one with the Divine plan for your life. by utilizing the gifts that you have already been given.





Videos you can check out of the Cline Library:


The three levels of power and how to use them [videorecording] / with Caroline Myss ; directed and produced by Tony Greco ; producer, Patricia Friedman ; Inner Dimension ; a production of Mountain Drive Productions Wellspring Media ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by WinStar TV & Video, 2000, 1998.  70 minutes. VHS format. Summary: Caroline Myss provides insights about health and healing. Discusses how the three levels of power (external, internal, and symbolic) and the seven energy centers in the body relate to one another and the role that honor, faith, and forgiveness play in the transformation from illness to health.


Why people don't heal [videorecording] : and how they can / Inner Dimension ; a production of Mountain Drive Productions, Faust Entertainment Corp., Cinemedia Corporation, in association with Public Broadcasting Service ... [et al.] ; directed and produced by Tony Greco ; producer, Patricia Friedman. [S.l.] : Wellspring Media ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by WinStar TV and Video, 2000. 76 minutes. VHS format. Summary: Dr. Myss helps people understand the emotional, psychological, and physical reasons that our bodies develop illnesses. In this video, she share insights gained over 15 years as a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness. Includes the power of forgiveness.


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