We invite you to participate as a researcher for finding and adding resources on transformational change. This is a dynamic tool for you to add information you find to your HS 301 individual group's wiki as you do research for class projects (click on the "Sidebar" located on the right in the "View" mode--select the appropriate Class Wiki). We encourage you to share not only titles (for example, the citation of a journal article, a book, a blog, or title of a digital media stream), but also the places you found the resources and the search strategies you found useful, as we have in the links below. Students will post to the topic areas on the sidebar located on the right.
Required Assignment Materials:
Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality. (2008). Boulder, CO: Sounds True Publishers.
Read the following: Emmons, R. A. Gratitude: The Science and Spirit of Thankfulness, pp. 121-134.
Read the following interview transcript with Dr. Robert Emmons: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/enhance-happiness-and-health-by-cultivating-gratitude-interview-with-robert-emmons-272372.html
Read the following: http://www.uthealthleader.org/archive/MIND_BODY_SOUL/2007/gratitude-1121.html
Check this out: http://www.iamthankful.com/category/everyday-gratefulness There will not be any quiz questions from this website, but I really encourage you to check it out.
Supplementary Resource Materials:
Peer Reviewed:
Wood, A. M., Maltby, J., Stewart, N., & Joseph, S. (2008). Conceptualizing gratitude and appreciation as a unitary personality trait. Personality & Individual Differences, 44 (3), pp. 619-630. 12p. Abstract: Gratitude and appreciation are currently measured using three self-report instruments, the GQ6 (1 scale), the Appreciation Scale (8 scales), and the GRAT (3 scales). Two studies were conducted to test how these three instruments are interrelated, whether they exist under the same higher order factor or factors, and whether gratitude and appreciation is a single or multi-factorial construct. In Study 1 (N =206) all 12 scales were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis. Both parallel analysis and the minimum average partial method indicated a clear one-factor solution. In Study 2 (N =389) multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor structure, demonstrated the invariance of this structure across gender, and ruled out the confounding effect of socially desirable responding. We conclude gratitude and appreciation are a single-factor personality trait. We suggest integration of gratitude and appreciation literatures and provide a clearer conceptualization of gratitude.
Search strategy: health and gratitude, limit to peer review, in Academic Search Premier.
To read the full text, click on the Check for Full Text link, then click on the Article link.
Weber, T. (2006). Interrupting Sudden Death: Genes, Medicine, and the Healing Power of Love. Families, Systems & Health: The Journal of Collaborative Family HealthCare, Winter, 24 (4), pp. 455-468. 14p.
Abstract: This autobiographical account centers on a life-threatening medical crisis—a sudden aortic dissection—and the dramatic story of how medical technology, the skill and care of medical professionals, and the support of family and friends all contributed to the interruption of sudden death and to the power of healing. Attention is given to the systemic nature of medical treatment—the challenge of collaboration among hospitals, outpatient facilities, an array of medical subspecialties, insurance companies, family members, friends, and the patient. The genetic roots and implications for at-risk family members are also examined. Ongoing life lessons are highlighted, especially the challenge of living confidently with a genetic disease that can kill while simultaneously generating a life of mindfulness and gratitude.
To read the Full Text click on the PDF Full Text link on this page.
Search strategy: health and gratitude, limit to peer review, in Academic Search Premier
Electronic Books from Cline Library:
The power of appreciation in everyday life. Noelle C. Nelson. Toronto : Insomniac Press, c2006. Access ebook.
Streamed Videos from Cline Library:
How to Be Happy! Positive Psychology in Action. Canadian Broadcasting Corp., 2008. 44 min. View streaming video. Summary: This program illustrates the application of positive psychology through a powerful workshop in which participants increase their awareness of what creates happiness by performing acts of indulgence, altruism, and gratitude. How to Be Happy also considers whether wealth, friendship, religion, job satisfaction, raising children, and getting older typically do or don't promote happiness. An fMRI study on the effect of deep meditation on the brain, a segment on laughter yoga, and a case study of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, a very successful company whose management style is firmly based on the principles of positive psychology, round out the program. Original CBC broadcast title: How to Be Happy!
Public Doman Videos:
Appreciation vs. Gratitude - Esther & Jerry Hicks. Youtube. (7:43).
Gratitude - with Deepak Chopra. YouTube. (2:43)
Summary Reflection of Transformational Practices Deborah Mulholland
As I was reading through my journal my first thought is how much things have changed in my life since I started the practice of gratitude in February. I was struggling to find gratitude due to financial strains, and lack of employment. Now I realize I should have had more faith that things would work out as they should. Again I would like to quote Albert Schweitzer: “Gratitude is the secret to life. The greatest thing is to give thanks for everything. He who has learned this has penetrated the whole mystery of life-giving thanks for everything.”
I am so grateful for good health! Without that nothing else is possible. I am very fortunate to have good mental and physical health that has enabled me to go back to school and enter an entirely new career field at the age of 55. I believe I was too focused on not having a job, when I should have relished the time to learn and grow through this program. This class was just what I needed to explore my feelings, acknowledge the situation, and move forward with pride and compassion following my dream!!!
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