
Practice of Self Care

Page history last edited by Library Health 11 years, 11 months ago





We invite you to participate as a researcher for finding and adding resources on transformational change.   This is a dynamic tool for you to add information you find to your FW 311 individual group's wiki as you do research for class projects (click on the "Sidebar" located on the right in the "View" mode--select the appropriate Class Wiki).  We encourage you to share not only titles (for example, the citation of a journal article, a book, a blog, or title of a digital media stream), but also the places you found the resources and the search strategies you found useful, as we have in the links below. Students will post to the topic areas on the sidebar located on the right.


Required Assignment Materials:


Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality. (2008). Boulder, CO: Sounds True Publishers. 

Read: Effects of a Fourteen-Day Healthy Longevity Lifestyle Program on Cognition and Brain Function, pp. 35-46.


Watch: YouTube: The First 10 Steps to Extreme Self Care (5 minutes)


Visual, slow-paced, relaxing experence of 10 basic conceptual commitments you can make to yourself as you begin your transformational journey.


Supplementary Resource Materials:




Peer Reviewed:


Barnett, J. E., & Cooper, N. (2009). Creating a Culture of Self-Care. Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice, 16(1), 16-20.Abstract: Psychologists are vulnerable to the effects of distress, which if left unchecked may lead to burnout, vicarious traumatization, and impaired professional competence. Smith and Moss (2009 ) provide a convincing call to action for the profession of psychology to give adequate attention to these important issues. This commentary adds to their excellent review and provides specific recommendations for individual psychologists for those who train graduate students, and for professional associations. A rationale is provided for the recommendations made and further guidance is provided for creating a culture of self-care in the profession of psychology. The importance of this approach as an ethical imperative is presented and strategies and recommendations are provided.

Search strategy: Self-Care, Health AND college in Academic Search Premier, limited to peer reviewed.

Read the full text by clicking on the PDF link on this page.


Hermon, D. A. & Davis, G. A. (2004).  College Student Wellness: A Comparison Between Traditional and Nontraditional-Age Students. Journal of College Counseling, 7 (1), pp. 32-39.

Abstract: This study examined differences in wellness reported by traditional- and nontraditional-age students as measured by the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (J. E. Myers, T. J. Sweeney, & J. M. Witmer, 1998). Differences were found between the 2 age groups on 4 self-regulation dimensions: realistic beliefs, sense of control, exercise, and self-care. Implications for counseling practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Search strategy: Self-Care, Health and wellness and practic* in Academic Search Premier, limited to peer reviewed

Read the full text by clicking on the PDF link on this page.





Electronic Books from Cline Library:


Stay healthy at every age: what your doctor wants you to know.  Nundy, Shantanu.   Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2010.  Access ebook.   



To your health: how to understand what research tells us about risk Helena Chmura Kraemer, Karen Kraemer Lowe, and David J. Kupfer. New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. Access ebook.


Print Books from Cline Library:


Young, L. E. & Hayes, V. E. (2002). Transforming health promotion practice: concepts, issues and applications. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co.

Cline Library Book Stacks:  RA427.8 .Y68 2002  

Chapter: Chapter: Self-care: re-examining the myth by Deborah Thoun Northrup 

Search strategy: self-care keyword search in Cline Library online catalog.




Self-care and trauma.  Streamed media link from NAU Cline Library at: http://libproxy.nau.edu/login?url=http://online.statref.com//Document.aspx?grpalias=NAU2&FxId=193 Select self care and trauma on the right. Summary: Self care for trauma is like a set of exercises that one must always do. Anger management, relaxation, time management, and faith are critical. Length: 2 minutes, 16 seconds. Films on the Demand title.


YouTube: The First 10 Steps to Extreme Self Care (5 minutes)


Visual, slow-paced, relaxing experence of 10 basic conceptual commitments you can make to yourself as you begin your transformational journey.

  • morning ritual
  • drink water
  • eat well
  • laughter
  • exercise your mind
  • exercise your body
  • journaling
  • positive thinking
  • smiling
  • evening ritual


YouTube and blog:  Louise L. Hay - Loving Yourself  (8:14 Minutes)


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