
Places to Search for Information for Your Wiki Topics

Page history last edited by Kathee Rose 11 years ago

Contact our librarians at: Librarians@nau.edu for help in searching for and locating resources. 


Below are research tips on finding articles, books, electronic books and digital media resources.


To Find Articles through Cline Library:


There are many research databases available for you to search for articles through the Cline Library. To search for scholarly articles on your topic, an excellent place to begin is at the Cline Library Home Page.


*Under "Search Articles" change "General Research" to "Health and Human Services" and then select "Show Databases."

* To search in a single database, scroll down and select a database. 

* To search a range of academic disciplines including health, psychology and general topics try searching in Academic Search Complete. 

* A database that contains articles on  allied health and nursing is  CINAHL.  A large medical database is Medline EBSCOhost. 

* A health database on current health topics is Consumer Health Complete.

* You may be asked to enter an account name and password.  Look here for more information.

* Enter your key words. You can limit by date if you choose to if that is important to you.

* Choose items relevant to your topic from your search results. To read the abstract of the article, click on the title.  Abstracts contain article summaries that can be helpful in evaluating whether an article is pertinent to your topic.

* After finding relevant articles, click on full text links (e.g. pdf , html) if available.


If the articles you need are not available electronically in full text, fill out the online Request Materials Form to have the Library obtain electronic copies for you. You may do this from our homepage.

* Go to "Document Delivery Services" at the right side of the page.

* Click on "Request Materials."


What Are Peer Reviewed Articles?


In a peer reviewed journal (also known as refereed) drafts of articles are critically assessed by other scholars in the author's field or specialty before they are accepted for publication.  Peer review is the accepted method for ensuring that information is of the highest quality. Just because a journal is peer reviewed, does not guarantee that all articles it in are included in the peer review process.   Some article types, such as news items, editorials and book reviews, may note be peer reviewed. 


To Find Peer Reviewed Articles


We recommend you search in in Academic Search Complete or CINAHL databases because they allow you to limit to peer reviewed if you click on "Advance Search." See steps above to locate these databases. For more information on peer reviewed journals go here.


How to Share Links to Articles From the Cline Library Web Site


 If you decide to share article urls on your own, keep in mind that with many licensed article databases, you cannot simply find the article, then copy the url from your browser's address bar to share in a web page or e-mail message. Article urls in the browser address bar will often contain information that is specific to that particular browser session and the url will not work for anyone else. E-mail articles and information from the database to yourself.  Most article databases and collections provide a way to mark the articles you want from the search results and e-mail article information, full text, and persistent (shareable) urls to yourself and others.


To Find Books Through the Cline Library Web Site:


To search for books owned by the Cline Library, go to our homepage.

* Click on the "Books" tab.

* Choose the appropriate search option (Keyword, Author,Title etc.).

Once you get your results, be sure to click on the link to the item that you are interested in to check the record for availability.

For electronic books, you may be asked to enter an account name and password.  



*If you live more than 40 miles away from campus or the library does not own the material, submit an online request. You may do this from our homepage:

* Go to "Document Delivery Services" at the right of the page.

* Click on "Request Materials."


To search for books not owned by the Cline Library and request one (free service), go to our homepage:

* Select "Find Books" from the "Research Resources" drop down menu.

* Click on WorldCat. 

* To limit your search to books, click on the the "Advanced Search" option.

* Change the format to books next to "Format."

* You can also select other limiters such as "Publication Date" if that is important to you.

* Once you get your results, you can request that Cline Library obtain a copy for you if you click on "Request It". You may be asked to enter an account name and password. This is your NAU user ID and password.



To Search for Video Streams through the Cline Library:


There are thousands of videos you can view as streamed media. To preview any title:

*Go to our homepage.

* Click on the "Search" tab.

* Select the tab "Movies and Music". Select "Streaming Video Files" from the menu.

* Search using keywords on your topic such as "yoga."

*Click on a title in the results.

* Select the "View streaming video" link.


To Search for Public Access Video Streams:


 *Go to YouTube 

*Go to Google Video


Contact our librarians at: Librarians@nau.edu for any help in finding resources. 


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Students said

at 7:25 pm on Feb 4, 2014

This in my practice. (Qian Wilcox)

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