(Amparo Bayless)
When we meditate we expand, spreading our wings like a bird, trying to enter consciously into Infinity, Eternity and Immortality, welcoming them into our aspiring consciousness. We see, feel and grow into the entire universe of Light-Delight.
Sri Chinmoy (Amparo Bayless)

(Amparo Bayless)
The three primary elements explored that relate to meditation were, first the effect of meditation on health, second we presented the different methods to practice meditation, and last was how meditation can transform and give meaning to life.
The journals presented studies where subjects had been followed and compared to control groups to demonstrate the benefits of meditation and the changes meditation has in the physiology of the brain.
The websites referenced in the Wiki all refer to the benefits of incorporating meditation into our everyday lifestyle, and offered information on classes and programs to help develop the transformational practice of meditation. Some of the websites offered testimonials to encourage an interested participant and start the path to a new, healthier and better life. According to the Mayo Clinic Website, meditation can take away stress and replace it with inner peace.
The videos selected for the project all contained meditation techniques to achieve the benefits of incorporating the practice in our lives. The videos offered meditation techniques accompanied by relaxing music and guidance.
The journals, websites, books, and media elements informed us of the meditation-medicine link and how they complement each other to provide a healthy, enhanced physical and mental well-being. (Amparo Bayless)
Meditation in Medical Practice: A Review of the Evidence and Practice
The practice of meditation in the medical field is providing an excellent tool for adjunct therapy in the treatment of many illnesses, and to maintain health and wellness. The practice of meditation is now accepted by the general public and scientist as a benefit to the mind and body. Research continues to demonstrate the benefits of the practice for many diseases. The operationalization and application of meditation needs to be implemented in a practical, meaningful, and effective way.
Fortney, L., Taylor, M. (2010) Meditation in medical practice: a review of the evidence and practice. Primary care: Clinics
in Office Practice, 37(1), 81-90.
Retrieved from Integrative Medicine, Part I: Incorporating Complementary/Alternative Modalities. (Amparo Bayless)
Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Meditation on Acute Stress Reactivity, Cognitive Functions, and Intelligence.
The globalization of world demands for maximum performance, create stress levels that are damaging to health and can accumulate throughout the years. Research teams study the long-term effects of the practice of meditation on stress, intelligence, emotional quotients, and cognitive functions. After inducing stress by having participants play a computer game to induce stress, response to stress was measured by administering galvanic skin response, heart rate, and slivery cortisol content. Induced stress resulted in the increase of the physical markers. The participants performed pre and post study testing, before and after the induced stress, and during a follow up after one month of the practice of meditation. The increased levels of induced stress, observed in the physiological markers, were reduced by the practice of meditation, and the cognitive functions were improved.
Singh, Y., Sharma, R., & Talwar, A. (2012) Immmediate and long-term effects of meditation on acute stress reactivity,
cognitive functions, and intelligence. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 18(6), 46-53.
The above material was retrieved from NAU Cline Library, Health and Human Databases, NEW CINAHL COMPLETE. The search term utilized was "Meditation" the filters utilized were Journal, and full text. (Amparo Bayless)
Recovering by Means of Meditation: The Role of Recovery Experiences and Intrinsic Motivation
The practice of meditation as a tool for the recovery from stress has been proven, but little is known about the mechanisms of its effectiveness. This essay presents a study in an attempt to advance this aspect and examines the meditating role of the recovery experiences of relaxation, mastery and detachment
van Hooff, M. M., & Bass, M. (2013) Recovering by means of meditation: the role of recovery experiences and intrinsic motivation. Applied Psychology: an International Review, 62(2), 185-210. doi: 10.1111/j1464-0597.2011.0048.x
The above material was retrieved from NAU Cline Library, Health and Human Services Database, EBSCOHOST. The search term was "Meditation", the filters applied were journal, and full text. (Amparo Bayless)
Passage meditation reduces perceived stress in health professionals: A randomized, control trial.
A study was done using health care professionals to assess the health benefits and stress reduction of meditation.
Retrieved from NAU Cline Library, Psych Articles, with Keyword meditation. (Jason Ruiz)
Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress
The Mayo Clinic discusses some of the benefits of meditation concerning health, stress and illness. They also describe the different, common types of meditation as well as the elements in meditation and how meditation can be introduced into your daily life.
Retrieved from Mayo Clinic website. (Jason Ruiz)

(Jason Ruiz)
Physiological differences between transcendental meditation and rest
A comparison was made on the physiological effects of transcendental meditation and how the compared to eyes closed rest. The effects of TM were shown to have lower physiological somatic arousal, and also increased alertness.
Retrieved from NAU Cline Library, Psych Articles, Keyword meditation and stress. (Jason Ruiz)

(Jason Ruiz)
The above material was retrieved from NAU Cline Library, Library Home page, Books tab, Keyword "Meditation" search.
The video explores the effects of meditation on the human mind and body. Different techniques are explored and the effects of meditation on patients with cardiac conditions, multiple sclerosis, and insomnia. (Amparo Bayless)
Guided Meditation - Blissful Deep Relaxation
Retrieved from Youtube (Amparo Bayless)
30 Minute Meditation: Asking for Nothing .... And Receiving Everything
Retrieved from Youtube (Amparo Bayless)
A Guided Meditation on the Body, Space, and Awareness with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Retrieved from Youtube (Jason Ruiz)
How to Meditate Properly: Meditation Techniques for Beginners
Retrieved from Youtube (Jason Ruiz)
The Dalai Lama Speaks - Secular Meditation
Retrieved from Youtube (Jason Ruiz)
UCLA HEALTH Website on Meditation
The website above is the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, which gives a guided videos to introduce beginners do different elements of meditation. (Jason Ruiz)
Meditation Oasis website
The website above is and introduction and information to meditation through online course, podcast, blog and instructional guide on how to use the website. (Jason Ruiz)
Insight Meditation Society website
This website give information on classes, retreats and presentations for different elements of meditation. It also has beneficial resources for incorporating meditation into your current lifestyle. (Jason Ruiz)
The Art of Living
Benefits of Meditation
This website gives information on the benefits of incorporating meditation into your life. The site also offers guidance on different modes of meditation and explains the mental, physical and other benefits of meditation. (Amparo Bayless)
Free Meditation/ Learn How to Meditate and Enjoy the Benefits!
The website offers information on recent publications and programs to enjoy the practice of meditation. (Amparo Bayless)
Evolutionary Enlightenment
The website offers connection to five online guided meditation resources. (Amparo Bayless)
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28 Day Program By Sharon Salzberg (Dec 29, 2010)

(Jason Ruiz)
Transcendance: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation by Norman E Rosenthal M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz M.D. (Aug 30, 2012)
(Jason Ruiz)
Wherever You Go, There You Are (Rough Cut) By Jon Kabat-Zinn (Jan 5, 2005)

(Jason Ruiz)
Sixth Cartesian Meditation : The Idea of a Transcendental Theory of Method
Fink, E., Husserl, E. (1995). Sixth cartesian meditation: The idea of a transcendental theory of method. Bloomington, Indiana: IndianaUniversity Press

Categories:PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / ModernRelated ISBNs:9780253322739. 9780585103068.Accession Number:11043Database:eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) (Amparo Bayless)
Dōgen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflexion on His View of Zen
Kim, H. (2006). Dôgen on medicine and thinking: A reflexion on his view of zen. Ithaca, New York: State University of New York Press. Retrieved from: http://site.ebrary.com.libproxy.nau.edu/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10575944
LC Call Number: BQ9449.D657 -- K563 2007eb
eISBN: 9780791480908
pISBN: 9780791469255
Dewey Decimal Number: 294.3927092
OCLC Number: 802049433
Subjects: Dōgen, -- 1200-1253. Sōtōshū -- Doctrines. Meditation -- Sōtōshū. Retrieved from Cline Library (Amparo Bayless)
Relaxation, Meditation, and Mindfulness : A Mental Health Practitioner's Guide to New and Traditional Approaches
Smith, J. C. (2005). Relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness: A mental health practitioner's guide to new and traditional approaches.
New York, New York: Springer Publishing Company
LC Call Number: BF637.R45 -- S62 2005eb
eISBN: 9780826127464
pISBN: 9780826127457
Dewey Decimal Number: 613.7/92
OCLC Number: 646782913
Subjects: Relaxation. Meditation. Attention.(Amparo Bayless)
Original Creation:
(Amparo Bayless)
Meditation Module PowerPoint autosaved.ppthttp://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CD4QFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Feducation.dublindiocese.ie%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F08%2FMeditation-Module-PowerPoint-Autosaved.ppt&ei=4Qm7U4LsJ9eoyATZmoGYDw&usg=AFQjCNFb752_ggdSdCsnAcVGv5vF_AjF3A&bvm=bv.70138588,d.aWw(Amparo Bayless)
Summary Application for Meditation practice:
Summary Application Meditation.docx
Enjoy! (Cori Pomroy)
Practice Summary Applications Meditation.docx
( Heather Shaffer)
Summary of Meditation Practice:
The consistent practice of meditation can have several life changing results, which we have studied in this class, and I am sure there are many more applications we did not have time to touch on. I have found meditating a relaxing technique that helps me unwind from a long day and as a tool to search within and center myself. I will continue with this practice and encourage those closest to me, such as my family and friends, to give it a try with an open mind. The most affected aspect that meditation has helped me with is controlling my stress levels. It makes me eager to begin the school year and test out how much I have truly learned from this experience and what I need to improve on for future use.
I have also noticed that it is easier to clear my head and focus at the task at hand. I think this can affect both my personal and professional life because I find it easier to fall asleep since my mind is calm enough for me to embrace it and I am very alert during work. I can answer thought-provoking questions with ease and I do not feel as exhausted as I usually did at the end of my shifts before I began to practice meditation. If I continue with this practice, I believe I can finish these last two years of undergraduate school with relative ease and hopefully carry it through graduate school and eventually my career. (Malia Papatrefon)
Summary of Transformational Practice Reflection Meditation.docx (Amparo Bayless)
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